I'm Confused - Biscuit

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by biscuitnibler287, Nov 1, 2014.

  1. biscuitnibler287

    biscuitnibler287 Athion Member Athion Member

    Aug 30, 2014
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    Hey guys, I haven't been playing Minecraft for a little while and I was hoping to come back and play a lot more regularly when I saw that PIcreative has gone and has joined with Athion. Basically, I just need a little information on stuff because I'm incredibly confused as to what has happened here. I have a HUGE city that I have been building for over a year called Bourbonia, and I would be incredibly upset and annoyed if I was to find that it has gone from the server entirely due to the fact that I have spent a lot of time on it and it holds a lot of memories for me. So could someone tell me... will all of the old builds from PI be on Athion? My second question is... is the server up? If so what is the IP? Or if it isn't up, when will it be up? Thanks guys :D
    rsp likes this.

    MADVIU Athion Member Athion Member

    Aug 30, 2014
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    I don't believe or know if builds are being transferred over to Athion and no, the server isn't public yet. It'll be public soon (hopefully). That's all I know.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2014
  3. wrightrj

    wrightrj Athion Member Athion Member

    Aug 30, 2014
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    I don't think you can transfer builds anymore from PI to Athion, I get @sycoinc with sympathize... *cough* I bet syc would allow you considering your city is very large, great detail and not to be forgotten
  4. sycoinc

    sycoinc Athion Admin Athion Admin

    Aug 28, 2014
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    Athion is a NEW server created by PI & Mithrintia, builds on both servers were schematized (on request) to bring over to the new server once we open shortly.

    We had 1 month of notification for all to request build transfers and we do have all the maps saved on local drives. Athion will be launching shortly and we will announce the date soon.

    Contact @MovieMaker2 about your town as he was handling schematics for PI.

    We are re inventing how creative works for minecraft and will be offering brand new ways to do things!
    MADVIU likes this.

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