Athion Official Athion Contest #4

Discussion in 'Official News & Announcements' started by dordsor21, Jul 4, 2016.

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  1. dordsor21

    dordsor21 Athion Admin Athion Admin

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Welcome to the official info post for our Fourth contest! It's been a while, but let's get summer kicked off with a short weekend contest!

    Contest Information:

    Theme: "Vibrance" with extra points for exciting ways 1.9 and 1.10 blocks are used, and clever use of vibrant color!

    Where: Contest world -

    When: From: Midnight of Thursday/Friday 7th/8th July 2016; To: Midnight of Monday/Tuesday, 11th/12th July 2016 (Times in EST)

    Plot Size: 75 x 75 - flat.

    Player limit: Two players per plot.

    Prize: $50 Steam voucher if the contest has been shared, $40 Steam voucher if not

    We vote on a range of aspects for your builds and creations for the contest world, here is the below outline of what we look for when judging
    • Design: This is rated out of 10, we look over the plots for the design, layout and how well the concept has been executed. This does not rely on the quality of the build.
    • Terrain: This is rated out of 10, we look at what terraforming has been done on the plot, if an existing landscape is provided we rate on how good or how bad it was edited. If it started as flatland we rate on how well you have terraformed and how it suits the theme.
    • Structure: This is rated out of 10, We rate how detailed your structures are along with how well they fit your theme and the contest's theme.
    • Organics: This is rated out of 10, we rate how detailed your organics are along with how they fit into the theme of your plot along with the contests theme. You do not have to build organics but we still rate this either way.
    • Completion: This is rated out of 10, we go over your plot to see how complete your project is, builds that are half build, empty or large sections with 'filler builds or content' would score lower than fully complete builds, interiors and terrain.
    • Bonus / Lore: when we decide to have bonus points we can add a max of 5 extra points to your final score, this can include getting points for solo entries, detailed lore (when asked for) and other specified items.
    _Mazzoni_ and MMS like this.

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