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Build Team Application
Athion Build Team Applications
Athion Build Team Applications Application
Member Name:
Personal / User Information
If you login to our forums it will be easier for us to verify who you are.
Your Email
Your Age
Your Skype Info
Skype is needed for discussion between the team
Your Time Zone
Application Questions & Information
Describe lightly any experiences you have with commissioned work.
Your Build Team Experience
Please outline your build team experience (roles in previous teams)
Why would you like to be a part of the Athion Team?
Enter a short paragraph detailing why you would like to be a part of our team.
Portfolio Links & Information
Planet Minecraft Portfolio
Please provide your PMC to show your portfolio of work.
Spigot Portfolio
Please provide a link to your Spigot portfolio page with some of your work (if you have one)
McMarket Portfolio
Please provide a link to your McMarket portfolio page with some of your work (if you have one)
Additional Portfolio Links
Please provide additional link(s) to your work (imgur, other minecraft based site, personal website)
Your name or email address:
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