Dota2 Players, Unite!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mrmarc, Dec 21, 2014.

  1. mrmarc

    mrmarc Athion Member Athion Member

    Aug 30, 2014
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    So it has come to my attention that we have alot of dota2 players on the server, quite a bit more than I expected, I thought I was the only one :D Anyway, SHOW YOURSELF, yee who play dota and we can have games and fun and seals and stuff! What level are you? how long have you played? fav heros and items? DISCUSS
  2. sycoinc

    sycoinc Athion Admin Athion Admin

    Aug 28, 2014
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    Last time I played was when it was just out of beta, am about lv 11 with 120h on it
  3. Popcorn

    Popcorn Athion Member Athion Member

    Aug 30, 2014
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    Hey hey marc, I'm one of those dota 2 players u have noticed xD.

    We can discuss about dota 2 all day but I'll just go through my fav heroes and items. I have like 90 something wins, my fav heroes are slardar, kotl, slark, clinkz, brewmaster, venomancer, pugna, treant protector, those are some of the heroes that I am pretty good at and can play with any time. I've played more heroes that I really enjoyed and did well with but I just didnt play enough with them, such as doom, centaur warrunner, nature's prophet, lifestealer, ursa, enchantress. Then there are heroes that I got absolutely sick of because I kept getting matched with idiots in the team, elder titan and jakiro, those 2 heroes man..such fun heroes but I've lost so many games with them because of idiots in a team. But I guess that's what dota does..sometimes it puts u with retards and sometimes it puts u with good players.

    It's so annoying when u are playing support and ur carries don't know what the hell they are doing. Sometimes they either don't get last hits, they just stop farming mid game and fall off badly, u poke the enemy heroes really well, ur carry gets excited and dies like a noob thinking he can finish them off or even the worst thing is when u give ur carries such an amazing start with kills and farm and they just blow it later on in the game because they underestimate the enemy. But if u play with carries that know what they're doing, supporting is never more fun. So I guess I like to play both carry and support, I feel like I am good at both roles, I am pretty good at farming as a carry, not so good as a ganker tho but I'm still not bad at that.

    As of items, my fav item has to be the blink dagger, it's such a fun item and u can do so many fancy stuff with it. As of other, Idk, they're all cool, I guess my 2nd fav item would be orchid malevolence, that item on clinkz to be exact, it's just so fun to run up to someone with invisibility, silence him and rain on him with fire arrows. Another item I like is eul's scepter of divinity, I buy that on kotl, it's just so fun to troll the carries with that item, they start chasing u and u just send them in the air, then ur badass carry comes and owns them in a perfect scenario. :D

    We could really play together sometime marc, I've already played some games with FOLSTER. I can only play after 12 AM tho because my internet is good from 12 AM to 6 AM, otherwise it sucks too bad for dota. :(
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  4. mrmarc

    mrmarc Athion Member Athion Member

    Aug 30, 2014
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    Lol, when i began playing i always played supports cause if you start out as a carry when you know nothing about the game you will get so much rage from people. Also I dislike playing with russians, (no offence to any russians, only those play dota) cause even on the american servers they queue up and if you wind up on a team with them they are impossible to play with as teammates since 1% of them knows proper english, and they pick whatever random hero they want to play, not something that could be of actual value to your team.

    Anyway, I play mostly Tidehunter, where I rush a blink dagger and refresher orb and then i just blink around on the map doing ult lol. I also like to play sniper and get alot of attack speed on him so you can last hit fast and autoattack enemy heroes. Also, because a lvl 25 sniper with mantastyle, shadow blade and daedalus is basically unstoppable haha. ... god this post is getting long, better end here lol

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