World Edit

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Taylor Dog, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. Taylor Dog

    Taylor Dog Athion Member Athion Member

    Aug 30, 2014
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    So its fairly easy to acquire some WE commands in Athion, but I've never really played with WE before.
    Anything I have ever built has always been by hand.

    Are there any recommendations for Tutorials, or anything for said commands?

    Currently I am in TG2 and have access to new commands:

    • Use a tool to replace an item. (/repl)
      not entirely sure how to use this.
    • Stack a selection. (//stack <amount>)
      I've been playing with this, and i think i understand how it works.
    • Wall a selection. (//wall <block>)
      I've been playing with this, and i think i understand how it works.

    • Mark a position where you are standing. (//pos)
    • Mark a position where you are aiming. (//hpos)
      same question
      Do these work the same as marking with a wand?
    • Undo a worldedit selection. (//undo <amount>)
    • Redo a worldedit selection. (//redo <amount>)
      aven't even tried to play with this yet. i assume its similar to undoing and redoing on the PC, but then their is <amount>
    I imagine i am going to have similar questions as I move up.
    It would be cool if someone was generous to do an instructional video in each rank on the new commands available.

    Soon i'll start searching Youtube, but I know there was a bunch of custom coding done, and I'm not sure what is Genaric, and what is not.
    rsp likes this.
  2. 14iCBi

    14iCBi Athion Member Athion Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    World edit can be hard to wrap your head around at first, but once you've nailed the basics you'll be good to go!.

    /repl <item>, use this command whilst holding a tool (axe,shovel,sword etc) to bind it. Once you have binded it and entered an item ID/Name wherever you right click it will replace the block with the on entered in the command. So for Example if you did /repl cobblestone and right clicked with your tool on some grass it would turn the grass into cobblestone.

    Regarding //pos1 and //pos2, Yes they are the same as using your wand, allowing positions to be set without having to right/left click.

    //undo and //redo is similar to how they are on a PC and you can undo or redo multiple actions. For example //undo 5 will undo the last 5 world edit actions with redo working the same way.

    If you have any other questions or the way i have explained it is unclear dont hesitate to reply or message me!
    rsp likes this.
  3. karottenkoenig

    karottenkoenig Athion Member Athion Member

    Oct 9, 2014
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    Hey Taylor!

    //pos 1 and //pos 2 can be very usefull if you want to select coordinates midair where you cant hit blocks with your wand. (because there are none)
    //hpos 1 and //hpos 2 save you one invetory slot you would need for the wooden axe
  4. rsp

    rsp Athion Member Athion Member

    Aug 30, 2014
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    Hey since your starting W.E. I suggest a mod for you!
    Its called World Edit CUI, what it does is provide something that looks like graph paper over the areas that you select for position 1 and position 2. This will help you see exactly the area you have selected in visual terms! It helps you make a lot less mistakes! It is not necessary for becoming good at world edit, but I know a lot of people do find it very useful. The link is to the mods page!

    If you ever want in game tutorials ID be glad to show you commands on your plot too :D
    TrigaJoules and karottenkoenig like this.
  5. Taylor Dog

    Taylor Dog Athion Member Athion Member

    Aug 30, 2014
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    Thanks everyone.

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