Survival Guides/information

Survival Guides/information


Grief Protectiontop

Grief Protection enables you to protect your stuff! When you’ve earned or bought enough claim blocks, you may claim a section of the map for your personal use using a stick to figure out if the area is claimed or not and a golden shovel to select the area you wish to protect. The minimum area you can claim consists of 100 blocks, and more claim blocks can be purchased at $10/block (and sold, using /sellclaimblocks, at $8/piece).

Furthermore, you generate 50 blocks/hour from purely being online, and minimum claim volume is 100 blocks. You can purchase the ability to earn more than 50 blocks/hour by simply being online through the /shop in survival hub.

IMPORTANT: Your claim border must be 25 blocks from other claim borders when you make it, or it could be removed!

Abandoning Claims:
You can abandon a claim you're standing in that you own by using /abandonclaim. In order to abandon all your claims, type /abandonallclaims. This can NOT be undone, so be careful!

Trusting Others:
You can add people to your claim with /trust and it’s variants /containertrust and /accessstrust. Never /trust players that you don’t actually trust.

You can make a "subdivision" to sell plots to others using /subdivideclaim while standing in your claim. Once you've entered this command, use the golden shovel to select an area you wish to subdivide it: once created, it will visually be marked with iron blocks and wool, and you can use the same trust commands whilst in this subdivide to trust users to only that area!


Server /shoptop

/shop is available on the Survival Hub Server: running this command opens a neat GUI where you can purchase all sorts of things, including nether passports, multiple /homes, more LWC locks, and much more! All you need to do is ensure you have enough money for the thing you wish to buy, then select it from the menu!

All "Passports", or permissions to commands or worlds that are timed, are based on time that you've spent on the server. If you log off, your time will not go down.

Lock Upgrade 1 - $10,000 - Allows you to lock up to 50 blocks
Lock Upgrade 2 - $20,000 - Allows you to lock up to 75 blocks
Lock Upgrade 3 - $30,000 - Allows you to lock up to 100 blocks

1 Extra /home - $75,000
- Allows you to set a /home!

Blocks/Server Shop
Hopper Access - $25,000
- Allows you access to the area in the Server Hub Store where Hoppers are sold, and allows you access to place them!
Piston Access - $25,000 - Allows you access to the area in the Server Hub Store where both kinds of Pistons are sold, and allows you access to place them!

Claim Blocks
Increased Claim Block Generation 1 - $15,000 - Instead of accruing 50 claim blocks an hour, you now accrue 100!
Increased Claim Block Generation 2 - $25,000 - Instead of accruing 100 claim blocks an hour, you now accrue 150!
Higher Max Claim 1 - $30,000 - 15,000 claimblock limit.
Higher Max Claim 2 - $80,000 - 30,000 claimblock limit.

Core Inspector - Grief Checker
Core Inspector Tool Access [1h] - $10,000 - Grants you access to the "/co i" command for 1 hour, which gives you the ability to see who placed and broke blocks!
Core Inspector Tool Access [Permanent] - $60,000 - Grants you access to the "/co i" command permanently, which gives you the ability to see who placed and broke blocks!

World Passports
Nether Access [1h] - $2,500 -
Grants you access to the nether for 1 hour.
Nether Access [5h] - $10,000 - Grants you access to the nether for 5 hours.
Nether Access [24h] - $40,000 - Grants you access to the nether for 24 hours.
Nether Access [Permanent] - $100,000 - Grants you access to the nether permanently!
End Access [2h] - $7500 - Grants you access to the End for 2 hours!



/market is available on the Survival Hub: this is a player trading post. Here you’ll find items other players have listed for sale, and you can post listings for your goods for others to buy too!

To add an item to be sold type /market and click the chest at the bottom of the GUI named “Stock” and place your item in the grey area. Then follow the instructions in the GUI to change prices, change the amount you want to sell, etc!



Guide on Nether

To access the Nether you must buy a passport for it. These passports range from 1 hour to permanent access. Once you buy a passport, head through the "Resource World" Portal: You will be brought to a portal hub where you’ll see the Nether portal, step through that portal in order to get to the Nether. Make sure you leave the Nether before you log out!

Nether is a free-for-all: PVP is enabled, TNT is enabled, there is no claim system, and grief is fully allowed. You are not safe, so don’t expect to be!

The nether is reset periodically. Don't keep anything there you don't want to lose.



Guide on End

To access the End you must buy a passport for it. These passports range from 1 hour to permanent access. Once you buy a passport, head through the "Resource World" Portal: You will be brought to a portal hub where you’ll see the End portal, step through that portal in order to get to the End. Make sure you leave the End before you log out!

The End is a free-for-all: PVP is enabled, TNT is enabled, there is no claim system, and grief is fully allowed. You are not safe, so don’t expect to be!

The end is reset periodically. Don't keep anything there you don't want to lose.