Hey guys, SteelStain here. I have been a member of this community for about a year now, but I would just like to re-introduce myself for I haven't been all that active within the Athion community. My name is SteelStain. I got the name from combining my favorite metal with a random word. Stain was the result of that random word, Steel being my favorite metal. I have been active in Minecraft and the multiplayer servers specifically for about three years now, and they are the most fun I can find in Minecraft. I love building, thats why I came here, to the Athion community and server. Say hey to me if you see me around on the server or forums, and I will surely say hey back!
Hey lo Steelstain happy so see another one joining the Athion community, welcome to the crazy bunch, I mean the friendly bunch lol. Hope you enjoy it here. Hope to see you around the server too.